What is Object Oriented Programing (OOP) ?

It is an advanced programming style, in which the program is divided into units called objects. Each object is a set of data, variables, constants, functions, units, and interfaces. The program is built by using objects and connecting them to each other and the external program interface using the program structure and user interfaces of each object.

Object Oriented programming (OOP)

It is an advanced programming style, in which the program is divided into units called objects. Each object is a set of data, variables, constants, functions, units, and interfaces.
The program is built by using objects and connecting them to each other and the external program interface using the program structure and user interfaces of each object.
What is Object Oriented Programing (OOP) ?

What is the object?

All that we see in our daily lives of humans, fruits, animals and wood is an object. If we look at the category of animals, for example, lion, tiger, deer, and rabbit each of them represents an independent entity, and has characteristics distinguish it from the other, and conducts behaviors and functions. Therefore, each object has its characteristic properties and behaviors, and these behaviors produce events. These three factors are characterized by each other. This is what we call the programming language Methods or Functions.

Belong to the object and result from its behavior. Each object belongs to a higher class. For example, strawberries are an object and belong to the fruit category. The lion is an object and belongs to the category of animals. The car, the plane and the ship are objects belonging to the class that are the means of transport. And so on …
Object programming is a new way to design and write programs, and the main idea is to convert the program into different parts and each part represents a specific goal or work, but until we explain this topic we should stay away from programming a little and simplify it in some theories through our reality.

Every things is an Object

If we take it in Java, Java means that everything in Java is an object such as variables, classes, functions, etc.
But if we apply it to our reality, everything means an object such as a car, phone, human, etc ... and every object has characteristics and actions. For example, a smartphone has characteristics such as color (red, black, blue) .

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About the Author

I am Avnish Kumar owner of this blog. I like to write tech article. As being a student, managing this site, writing tech articles it is little bit difficult as there is no enough time.

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