How to Schedule E-mail in Gmail ?

There are many e-mail services that can schedule your e-mail, and the idea of ​​scheduling the message is that you set a prior appointment.

How to Schedule E-mail ?

E-mail is one of the most important means of communication. E-mails are now replacing regular messages, but what if you want to send an e-mail at a specific date and you will not be near the Internet ? There are many e-mail services that can schedule your e-mail, and the idea of ​​scheduling the message is that you set a prior appointment in the future so that the message will be sent automatically. The idea of ​​scheduling e-mail is very practical, especially with those who forget to send a certain e-mail.


How to schedule E-mail

To schedule the email, just follow the steps:
  • At first, write your email, instead of clicking Send, click on the little arrow next to the word.
  • Now click on schedule emails
  • Now select the date through the screen, that appears at the bottom and choose when to send the mail from it.


Gmail will now send the message at the exact time that you specified in advance, whether this schedule is by day only or by day and hour, and the process will be automatic. Schedule emails will moved to schedule folder, and you will find it separate from the other fields., you can also control the message and cancel sending it or sending it now.

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About the Author

I am Avnish Kumar owner of this blog. I like to write tech article. As being a student, managing this site, writing tech articles it is little bit difficult as there is no enough time.

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